Price is $495. (Total will be $570 which includes 15% GST)

Book a private one-to-one session with Leeann to fast track your social media success for 2024.

Level Up Your LinkedIn - Wellington

Limited to 10 people maximum

Are you feeling stuck on LinkedIn and lurking on the sidelines? This interactive and fun half-day workshop will equip you with the latest strategies and tactics to transform your profile, build meaningful connections, and give you the tools to use LinkedIn confidently.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • Profile Makeover Magic: We'll ditch the generic templates and guide you in crafting a story-driven profile that highlights your unique value proposition and career goals.
  • Networking Made Easy: Master the art of connecting with colleagues, industry leaders, and potential clients. Learn how to build a supportive network that will amplify your voice and open doors to new opportunities.
  • Content Creation for Impact: Develop a strategic content plan that allows you to share your knowledge with confidence. Learn how to position yourself as a thought leader in your field and attract exciting career possibilities.
  • The Power of Recommendations: Unlock the secrets of giving and receiving meaningful endorsements that boost your credibility and professional standing.
  • Design Without the Hassle: No artistic experience required! Gain access to my customisable templates and step-by-step video tutorials to create a stunning LinkedIn banner and eye-catching content that grabs attention.

Bonus! Receive a complimentary 30-minute 1:1 Zoom call with Leeann after the workshop to get personalised feedback and your questions answered, plus keep you accountable for doing any updates you need.

Join us for a delicious morning tea and a fun, informative session that will elevate your LinkedIn presence!

When: Tuesday 28th May 8.30am - 12pm

Where: Wellington CBD location to be confirmed

💰 Cost: $495+GST per person (You'll pay a total of $570)

📝 To Register:  You can pay by credit card on this page OR email Leeann at [email protected] if you prefer to be sent an invoice or have any questions.

This workshop is strictly limited to 10 participants.