How to Create Content Your Target Audience Will Connect With

How to Create Content Your Target Audience Will Connect With

Are you sick of wasting time coming up with social media content ideas, only for them to go unseen?

We hear you. That can be really frustrating.

Especially when you see other businesses killing it on their socials with all the engagement in the world.

All hope is not lost though. You too can create awesome content that your target audience will resonate with. All you have to do is read the info in this article and you’ll be on your way to killing it on social media too!

So, let’s expose how you can create that great content now.


How To Create Content Your Target Audience Will Connect With

Understand Who Your Target Audience Is

Before you can start wondering about the kind of content you should be posting, you need to understand exactly who your target audience is.

If you aren’t sure who they are, think about these things:

●        Who gets the most benefit from your products or services?

●        Look at your current customer base and the kinds of clients you work with the most

●        Use your Analytics to see which demographics are engaging with your business

●        Establish who you DON’T want to work with and who you CAN’T help

●        The customer base your competitors are serving

By understanding these things, you’ll get a really good picture of the people you should be targeting your social media content towards. In order to make it resonate, you should have your target audience in mind every time you post a piece of content on your social media pages.


Test… A Lot!

One of the best ways to find out what kind of content your audience is going to respond to is to test different types. So, how do you do that?

Well, for example, you might choose to post some videos, text posts and images to see how your audience engages with each medium. Pay attention to whether your videos are getting views, whether people are answering questions you are posting, or if they are liking or sharing your images.

It’s not just the medium that you want to test, you also want to vary the type of content you post. For example, you might want to post some How-To info, answer some questions that you get asked all the time, educate people on myths in your industry, survey or poll people with easy-to-answer questions, and don’t forget to throw in some opportunities for people to buy from you.

As you are posting these various content types, keep an eye on which are the most popular with your audience. When you have that info, post more of the things they like to keep them engaged and interested!


Monitor Your Analytics

Your social pages will have a wealth of info that you can tap into right there in the Analytics and Page Insights sections. Basically, you can discover which people are on your business page and how they are interacting with it. You can access demographic data about your audience and how people have responded to your posts for the last 2 years.

This data goldmine will tell you all sorts of useful info like when your audience are most active, what they are interacting with, which individual posts make them buy from you, and what causes the tumbleweed effect… no engagement.

It also allows you to dig deeper into key metrics like organic and paid reach, click through rates, likes and unlikes, video insights, and how people have interacted with your Page’s action buttons. Based on this information, you can establish what kind of content really resonates with your audience so that you can create more of the stuff they like to see.


Educate Yourself

Now it’s time to look outside your own business bubble. Research what other people in your niche are doing and how their content is resonating. Do they have certain pieces that are performing really well? Or some posts that are falling on deaf ears?

Check out local businesses and ones in other parts of the country. But don’t stop there. You can also get some really great insight from similar businesses that are operating overseas. Remember, you don’t want to copy anyone’s content, but you can use it to be inspired about creating similar posts for your own business.


Be Relatable

Sales and educational content is a must for every social media feed. But, do you know what your audience really loves to see? Everyone loves a peek behind the curtains to meet the people running the business.

Videos and images of the business owner and staff perform really well on social media. And these kinds of posts have far more benefits than simply getting good reach and engagement. They allow your audience to connect with your business on a deeper level. This can encourage trust and loyalty, which are both great for generating sales!


Create That Content For Your Target Audience

Now that you know how to create great content for your target audience, it’s time to get out there and do it! But, you don’t want to just be throwing random pieces of content onto your social pages. You need to have a strategy in mind so that you can get a good return from the efforts you put in.

Not sure how to put that strategy together?

Then, I’d love to help you. Here at Face Up Now, we work with businesses to create quality social strategies that actually get results. No jargon or fancy terms here though, we talk in real language that you can understand, regardless of your social media experience.

So, if you are ready to make your social pages work for you with content that your target audience will resonate with, then get in touch with the Face Up Now team today.


