Play Nicely in the Facebook Sand Pit

Play Nicely in the Facebook Sand Pit

For all of the problems Facebook have faced recently, it is good to also remember the things they do well.

When you start to run ads on the platform you’ll notice different references with Business Manager for Facebook that tell you more about their advertising policy and rules to stick to. 

It’s their play space after all, so they get to set the rules. 

Here are few examples of things that you need to be extra careful with when you are creating ads for both Facebook and Instagram - they use the same backend of Business Manager for creating ads or paid posts. Some things are obvious that you wouldn’t/shouldn’t promote such as illegal products and services, drugs and related products, weapons, tobacco, adult content, swearing, misleading information and so on. 

A few areas where I see people get tripped up are with personal attributes and the type of wording they use in the ad text. For example: “are you overweight?”, “are you depressed?”, “have you recently been made unemployed?”, “are you broke and need a loan?”. Facebook clearly state that Ads must not discriminate or encourage discrimination against people based on personal attributes. 

They are also strict when it comes to “before and after” type of claims and images that may contain unexpected or unlikely results. They state that Ad content must not imply or attempt to generate negative self-perception in order to promote diet, weight loss, or other health related products. 

Interestingly and pleasingly, they also check all landing page links that you put in your ads, to ensure they are working and they are what you are claiming that they are. This is quite reassuring in my mind. 

Finally one last area where I have been tripped up is with running ads for multi level marketing businesses. I have had several clients involved in MLM programmes where we have tried to recruit others to sign up or become part of their team. There are certain words that you cannot use and phrases that you can’t put in such as “Do you want the flexibility of being able to work from home?” 

Just in case you were considering selling your children when they’re having a bad day or offering a body part up for sale - it is not allowed either! The sale of Body Parts - ads must not promote the sale of human body parts or fluids. 

Before ads show up on Facebook or Instagram, they get reviewed to make sure they meet their strict Advertising Policies. Typically most ads are reviewed within 24 hours, although in some cases it may take longer. 

During the ad review process, they will check your ad's images, text, targeting, and positioning, in addition to the content on your ad's landing page. Your ad may not be approved if the landing page content isn't fully functional, doesn't match the product/service promoted in your ad or doesn't fully comply with their Advertising Policies. 

Just remember practice does make perfect, and so does keeping up with the ever changing advertising guide lines that Facebook are creating to make our experience on social media a better one.


