Why You Need a Social Media Strategy

Why You Need a Social Media Strategy

I'm often asked why businesses need a social media strategy. Some people are quite happy to post randomly to their pages and don’t worry about their results. Some people stress about what to post and how to make it look and sound professional. And some people are 100% sales focused on social media and run the risk of looking like SPAM. But most people are missing a golden opportunity to communicate with their target market and create positive brand awareness.

Do you wish you could post consistently on your social media pages and have more engaged followers? You want to have a great brand presence on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn right? When you’re stumped by what to post and when and how to say it, you could really benefit from a strategy session!

Your aim should be to have an audience who knows, likes and trusts your brand - and to have an EASY path for them to purchase from you when they are ready to.

A social media strategy session starts with a deep dive into all the different aspects of your business. We look at:

- Who your target audience are.
- Who the sort of people you want to continue to work with or work with more than you already are.
- All the different sorts of services that you offer and what makes you different from other businesses with a similar offer to you.

So for example if you're a chiropractor - what makes your clinic different from other people? If you're a dentist - what makes your practice different? If you're a life coach - what do you do that's different from what other life coaches do?

We also look at your frequently asked questions - from people before they work with you or while you're even working with them.

Next we look at whether your business is seasonal or not. And we use this information to build monthly themes to help clarify your social media marketing focus each month.

After that we have a little look at what your competitors are doing, and we look for social media pages that are in your same industry and doing a great job with their social presence. From their pages we can see what sort of content they are posting and what kind of engagement they are getting, and we can also look at any ads they may be running. This information can help us formulate what sort of content should resonate best with your audience.

At the end of the day the aim is to get people to know, like and trust your business. The work we put in together at a social media strategy session helps you clarify what information you want to communicate with your audience and how you’re going to do that. You will end up 15-30 different types of monthly posts that you can use to educate, inspire and build trust with your audience. Which makes it so much easier to find or create content for your social media channels.

After I’ve completed a strategy session with a client they often say “Wow, I didn't realise there was so much that I could be talking about and posting for my business.” And it’s true!

I love unravelling your business, finding out about your business and looking at it from a clients’ perspective - then piecing together all the information with a really amazing strategy. I do it so you’ll never have to say “Oh goodness me, what am I going to post?” again.

Having a social media strategy is of great benefit, it takes the stress out of your social media marketing and gives you a different perspective on your own business.

I offer standalone strategy sessions for businesses or you can sign up for ongoing coaching for extra one-on-one support. If you’re interested, get in touch HERE and let’s have a chat.


