A Half-Day Workshop for wellington Professionals

Level Up Your LinkedIn

Free Tauranga networking event

Are you feeling stuck on LinkedIn and lurking on the sidelines?

This interactive and fun half-day workshop will show you the latest strategies and tactics to transform your profile, build meaningful connections, and give you the tools to use LinkedIn confidently.

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Here's what you'll gain:

  • Profile Makeover: We'll ditch the generic templates and guide you in crafting a story-driven profile that highlights your unique value proposition and career goals.
  • Networking Made Easy: Master the art of connecting with colleagues, industry leaders, and potential clients. Learn how to build a supportive network that will amplify your voice and open doors to new opportunities.
  • Content Creation for Impact: Develop a strategic content plan that allows you to share your knowledge with confidence. Learn how to position yourself as a thought leader in your field and attract more career possibilities.
  • The Power of Recommendations: Unlock the power of giving and receiving meaningful endorsements that boost your credibility and professional standing.
  • Design Without the Hassle: No artistic experience required! Get access to my customisable templates and step-by-step video tutorials to create a stunning LinkedIn banner and eye-catching content that grabs attention.


Receive a complimentary 30-minute 1:1 Zoom call with Leeann after the workshop to get personalised feedback and your questions answered, plus keep you accountable for doing any updates you need.

Join us for a delicious morning tea and a fun, informative session that will elevate your LinkedIn presence!

When: Tuesday 28th May 8.30am - 12pm
Where: Wellington CBD location to be confirmed
Price: $495 + GST - limited spaces to 10 people
I want to Level Up my Linkedin!



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